Job Application Tips For Filipinos: How First Impressions Matter

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Filipinos all try for a job at once. From several applicants, it’s possible that only one can be hired. Chances are the numbers double every time as screenings can be held online and on-site. Employers get used to such a situation but remember to leave a lasting impression right from the get-go. Moreover, Filipinos should gather as many job application tips as first impressions sometimes might be one of the only chances you get.

It is okay to have doubts sometimes, as questions can fill every applicant’s mind. With that said, here are job application tips for Filipinos to get them prepared:

Read job listings carefully

Applicants can be impulsive when applying for jobs. They should be wary of listings and read them thoroughly before clicking apply. Take note of that process, and do not leave out any details. Additionally you must ensure you’re applying for the perfect role.

Provide a cover letter

A cover letter strengthens your chances of standing out. It can also be a decent addition to simply convincing employers with impressive resumes. You can introduce yourself beyond your resume and show them more of your skills in a more casual way at the same time. 

Build your resume

A resume is a job seeker’s must-have. It is one of the first and most important things that an employer will ask from you. A part of their decision gets based on your resume regarding your qualification. You must provide your best credentials to stand out. Your resume should speak for yourself; make sure it’s an extension of you and your accomplishments. 

LAHAT Jobs Resume Template Feature

LAHAT Jobs has resume templates readily available. They’re a helpful feature for first-time job seekers who don’t know how or where to start with their resumes or ones who are just looking to start anew with their resumes. You may do the following to use this:

1. Go to the LAHAT Jobs website
LAHAT Jobs main page screencap
2. Hover to “Job Talk” at the top left part of the panel then click “Resume Template”
LAHAT Jobs Job Talk tab screencap
3. Click on your preferred layout and wait for the file to download on your device
LAHAT Jobs resume templates page screencap
4. Open the file from your Downloads folder and begin inputting your information
5. Revise as needed later on

LAHAT Jobs makes resume building easy. You can choose from many free templates.  The AI Assistance feature helps you better your resume and make employers notice you more. You can also download the LAHAT Jobs app for a more convenient browsing.
