In-Demand Jobs: How Filipinos Choose A Career

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Have you ever sat down at a family reunion and thought to yourself, “Here we go again.” It’s always the same, never-ending conversation of “What are your plans in life?” And regardless of how you respond, they circle back and do it again. “Why don’t you try harder? There are a lot of in-demand jobs nowadays,” they say. But what if it’s not as easy as you picture it?

Filipino resilience gets overused and is overrated. Filipinos may have an “if there’s a will, there’s a way” mindset, but it only applies to a certain extent. Despite this impression, it is not acceptable to solely label them as people who do not differ. 

More than your speculations, people consider a lot when taking a step in life. It’s like what they say, “You’ve only scratched the surface.” Let that teach us how to be cautious the next time around. On that note, the following are what Filipinos weigh in before choosing a career:

Passion vs. practicality

You have always dreamed of being a doctor, but according to your capacity, it’s not feasible. This situation might require more than your effort, so at some point, you have to set it aside and go for something else; it is in these situations that you’ll see the end of the road. 

The drive to pursue something has always been a meaningful factor in how Filipinos choose a career. Whether it be passion for something or practicality, their decisions are no happenstance. At length, you have to do what’s most beneficial.

Of course, not all of our choices are grounded in our priorities. We have to calculate the circumstances around us before deciding on something.

Salary needs

Questions about salary always haunt you. Say you have a job, but it’s not doing much for you financially. You tirelessly work, but it’s not reciprocated in terms of your needs. So, that is reason enough for you to work in a field of in-demand jobs that tick all your boxes.  

The job industry becomes more and more competitive as time progresses. Subsequently, so do the skills required from an employee. Here are the in-demand skills to land you a job:

Computer literacy

The working industry has undergone a digital transformation. Whatever you do in the workplace, you must, at best, operate a computer; this goes with the development of work processes. 

Project management

It takes a team to make a project successful, but times may call for a leader. Organizing yourself and those around you is a commendable trait. Employers in in-demand jobs especially look for people who can manage the tasks that overlook the whole group.


Work will let you encounter different sorts of people. Although it is a valid argument that you can’t assess everyone, what matters is that you are doing your best to be professional.

More than the skills, you should set other goals to help you advance in your journey to landing in-demand jobs. Refer to the following to learn more:

Plan ahead

The future should be one of your motivations when job searching. That’s why you should pursue a future-proof career to guarantee job security. While you anticipate which step to take, think of why you are doing it and what you want to achieve.


A person seeking a job should be open to learning. You don’t come to a job assuming you know everything; you encounter new things everyday. Remember this: learning is a lifetime process.

It’s not enough to rely on what you currently have. You have to continuously work on yourself to meet a company’s standards to land a job. That’s why it’s pivotal to assess your current skills so that you will have a record of what you have down and what needs improvement. 

In-demand jobs

People tend to gravitate more towards in-demand jobs. Most Filipinos prefer jobs that pay better than pursuing their passion. Just take the negative comments as your inspiration. Besides, every opportunity is a possibility for you to achieve the life you’ve always wanted to live.

If you don’t know where to start, you can seek assistance. A part of the job-searching evolution is online applications, and search engines are present to help you every step of the way. 

LAHAT JOBS job hiring near me

LAHAT Jobs is a new job search engine in the Philippines to help connect job seekers to opportunities. The engine consists of advanced features such as AI assistance, a Job Map, and a “resume view,” to name a few. 

Life is a journey and unnecessary, external opinions should not be acknowledged. You need not bother about everything else when all that matters is your drive to accomplish your goals. Help is always available, so you can land opportunities in in-demand jobs.  Look forward to your next stop to the peak of success! Visit LAHAT Jobs and download the mobile app now to be connected to more opportunities.
